CA3.1 — Conclusions

Cezarijus Kivylius
2 min readDec 10, 2020

I just want to say this was a really fun project and really made me thing outside the box, although I wish I had more time to complete this. I could spend the whole year on this project. It has many angles and a lot of work.

Maybe that was the shortcoming for me, I aimed for too high of a project, e.g too much work to get done in a short time, and I had to really shrink the project and could not get a prototype in time.

I will look over each section of the project and evaluate myself.


I believe this was my strongest suite. I had researched a lot about the different challenges and was able to identify a problem. A real problem that was well researched. It was quite fun looking for problems and reading about different sections.

I had quite a lot of ‘aha’ moments also, where I thought it was problem A, but reading more and more into it, it was well clearly spelled out to me that the real problem was actually problem B. I find myself finding solutions to imaginary problems, and this assignment has given me a glimpse as to why, more research is good.

Problem Definition

Once I had enough research, the problem definition fell in place quite nicely. Again, I feel like this was a strong side of the project. Before in previous projects, I felt like I had to almost find it again, but this time, I just filled in the blanks, and it really clicked in my head, why the research is important.

Design and development.

Again, given more time I could have perfected this. I had a lots of cool ideas and an amazing prototype to test, but was unable to do so.

I like designing, but found designing something where there are a lot of the parts, eg. LRscanner and VR views, are very different to simple UI designs. I honestly could have just picked one of these and spent a lot of times designing them.

Overall it was a fun project and hope in the future we can spend more time on these to create a perfect project.



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